Dr. Jennifer Manly Elected to National Academy of Medicine

October 18, 2021

Jennifer Manly, PhD

Jennifer Manly's research has explored how early life inequalities, including school policies and educational opportunities, influence the risk of cognitive decline among Black and Hispanic older adults.

She was elected to NAM for her pioneering work improving detection of cognitive impairment among racially, culturally, and socio-economically diverse adults, which has had a profound impact on the field of neuropsychology, and her visionary research on the social, biological, and behavioral pathways between early life education and later life cognitive function.

As a leader in the examination of the role of cultural and educational experience in cognitive test performance, Manly has found that ethnic minorities are more likely to be misdiagnosed or misclassified as having cognitive impairment as compared to whites.

Manly is one of the lead investigators for several large Alzheimer’s studies that include adults from diverse racial, ethnic, linguistic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, including the Washington Heights-Inwood Columbia Aging Project (WHICAP). She has served on the Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services of the U.S Department of Health and Human Services and is a member of the National Advisory Council on Aging.

Source: CUIMC Newsroom